It’s finally spring, and that means only one thing for garden birds – breeding season! If you are an avid bird-feeder or just starting out, it is important to know that this is an important time for caring for wild birds.
Dawn Chorus
You may have noticed that you’ve been woken up earlier than usual with birds chirping away first thing in the morning; this is known as the dawn chorus. This is actually birds calling out to attract a mate. The louder and more intricate the singing, the more likely male birds will attract a mate. The birds sing early in the morning as the dim light protects them from predators that may be alerted by their chirps. Once the sun has risen, birds move on to go about their day collecting food.
Nest Boxes & Nesting Wool
To attract wild birds to your garden at this exciting time there are a number of things you can do, which will in turn help birds as breeding season is definitely a tiring time for them! Placing a nest box in your garden will provide an important potential nesting space. Natural nesting spaces are on the decline, so investing in a nest box is a great help for birds. If you want to help provide a natural nesting space instead, resist cutting your hedges as birds often nest in them when they are thick and a little overgrown.
You could also provide nesting wool for wild birds. Nesting wool is natural material that provides birds insulation for their nests. Be sure to place it in shrubs or foliage rather than directly in a nest box; birds will collect it themselves and transport it to their nest.
Feeding Wild Birds
It is also a good idea to provide wild birds with some supplementary food during this time. Providing high energy foods such as seeds and nuts will help adult birds during springtime, at whatever point they are at in their breeding cycle. Choosing the right kind of food can be daunting with so much on the market. Check out our Garden Birds Feeding Guide to find out more about the different types of bird food available.
Baby Birds
If you put in some work to attract wild birds into your garden during spring, you may be lucky enough to glimpse some (very cute) baby birds. These birds will usually be at their fledgling stage when they are usually found on the ground. They tend to hop around to gain strength for their first fly. These fledglings are usually around two weeks old. It is important to know that if you see any baby birds seemingly struggling on the ground, to leave them be. Taking them away from their parents at this vital time can be detrimental, so be sure to admire them from afar! Their parents are sure to return soon to feed them some treats.
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