Monday, February 17, 2025

facts about fish and other marine animals to share far and wide

  • by Admin
  • Oct 28, 2024

There are many misconceptions about fish floating around. These fascinating facts will likely change the way you view sea animals forever! Life for a fish might seem simple at first glance, but much like the oceans they call home, there are untold depths beneath the surface.

We still have so much to learn about marine animals and how they experience their watery world – but already there is an exciting body of scientific evidence revealing them to be inquisitive, intelligent, and emotionally complex individuals.

Keep reading for some fascinating facts that will make you see why fish and other marine animals belong in the sea instead of on the dinner table belong in the sea.

1. They are forward-thinking and resourceful
Fish have been shown to outperform even monkeys, chimps, and orangutans on complex foraging tasks, demonstrating their remarkable capacity for planning and problem-solving.

In fact, their learning abilities are far more sophisticated than most people realise – they can even use tools. This is particularly significant when you consider that tool use was once thought to be exclusive to humans.

For example, blackspot tuskfish have cracked the case when it comes to opening up molluscs to eat – they hit them against rocks to pop them open. And what’s more, many of them do so the exact same way, which scientists believe could point to this being a skill that generations of parent tuskfish have passed down to their offspring.

Aptly named archerfish also have a knack for using what’s in their environment to hunt for food that’s out of reach. They have the mental ability to predict where an insect is going to be above the water, and shoot at them with mathematically aimed streams of water!

In contrast, some kinds of fish are talented gatherers, tending well-kept gardens by encouraging the growth of algae they enjoy, and weeding out the kinds they don’t like as much. Who knew fish could have such green thumbs fins?

2. They’re innovative architects and artists
Octopuses have been spotted building barricades out of rocks, and carrying large shells around with them, just in case they need a portable shelter to hide in.

Many species of fish build extra-secure nests by creating chambers under the seabed and reinforcing them with pieces of coral. They can spend hours moving mouthfuls of sand and algae around to make their new home as perfect as it can be. A fish might even steal someone else’s nest if it looks more comfy than theirs – so not only are they smart, they can be a little cheeky too.

Some fish, like the Japanese pufferfish, have a real flair for design and will go to extraordinary lengths to attract a mate to their nest, spending not just hours but days on end creating elaborate sand art and decorating it with scavenged shells. Check out this surreal labour of love:

3. They are self-aware
Ever heard of the mirror self-recognition test? It’s a scientific way of testing whether an animal has self-awareness, and it involves placing a coloured mark somewhere on the animal’s body, and letting them look in a mirror.

If the animal sees the mark in their reflection, then attempts to find and touch the mark on their own body, they pass the test – proving that they have recognised themselves in the mirror and have a sense of self and their own body.

It probably won’t surprise you to hear that some of the species who have passed this test with flying colours include chimpanzees, orangutans, elephants, and dolphins … but so have fish!

The fact that fish demonstrate this advanced act of cognitive awareness is just further proof that they’re far more perceptive than they get credit for. How’s that for something to reflect on?

4. They have unique ways of experiencing the world
Some of the ways marine animals perceive the world are so amazing that they’re almost incomprehensible. We’re about to hit you with a mind-blowing example…

Lobsters’ feet smell.

No, not like that! Lobsters actually smell with their feet – they’re covered with tiny, super-sensitive hairs, making them so finely attuned to smells and tastes that they can sniff out a single amino acid originating from their favourite food.

Studies have also found that crustaceans can see polarised light, which we certainly can’t. This superior form of vision allows them to navigate better underwater, track transparent or silver prey, and avoid predators.

5. They can feel pain and distress
Just as fish can experience happiness and pleasure, so too can they feel suffering and pain.

Studies have shown that fish have pain pathways that are very anatomically similar to those of humans and other mammals, including nerve endings, chemical neurotransmitters, and a brain structure that allows the processing of pain signals.

The scientific consensus is that other sea-dwelling animals like lobsters, octopuses, prawns, and crabs feel pain and distress, too. In fact, in 2021, they were officially recognised as ‘sentient’ by UK law – meaning that they are aware, feeling, and sensitive.

Lobsters are particularly vulnerable because they cannot go into a state of shock like we (and many other animals) can, as a coping mechanism for pain. Sadly, this means that when they are dismembered or boiled alive, their suffering is extreme and prolonged.

6. They’re emotional beings who love to play
Our aquatic friends may not express themselves in ways we recognise as easily as other animals, but there is a soft side beneath those scales and shells! Fish and marine animals have rich inner emotional and social lives.

According to the latest scientific research, they are capable of feeling a range of positive emotions like pleasure, excitement, and joy, just as much as any other animal – as well as the desire to play.

It may sound like something out of Finding Nemo, but some scientific studies have observed fish riding bubble streams and toying with objects in their environment, for no other reason than to amuse themselves and have fun!


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